Building a solid foundation to house your retirement

ThinkstockPhotos-465063162Planning is the key to long-term success in any field.   It’s no different in the retirement planning field – the most solid plans (and homes) are built on solid foundations rather than guesses.

At the start of the new year, everyone wants to predict what the market will do for the year. Keep in mind that anyone’s prediction is really just his or her best guess. Is that the type of foundation that you’d like to lay for your retirement home?

Predictions look at numbers and research (at least we hope that they do!). When you invest in a prediction, you are taking a risk on someone’s best guess. Based off the historical data of highs and lows in the market, long-term projection for sustainability is risky business. Wouldn’t you prefer to have an advisor who will help you create a realistic income plan to last as long as your retirement does?

When choosing a financial professional, choose one that treats you like you are more than just a number. You are a person who has worked hard and deserves the best. True Retirement Planning consists of finding out who you are, what you want and need, and then finding tools to make sure you that you reach your goal.

Your goal may be to travel, spend more time with family, volunteer, start a new business, or simply have more leisure time. Having a solid foundation for retirement income helps you to reach any of these goals.

We always say, “we’re into planning, not predictions.” A quality retirement plan (including taxes, income, and risk) helps lay the foundation to fiercely protect your retirement income so you can live the life that you want. Work with someone whose interest lies in learning about you and your family; educating you about your current situation, and presenting a plan that will help you reach your goals.

The bottom line is that you should enjoy planning with your financial professional so that you can leave their office with a confident smile because you know that you have a solid foundation for your retirement home.

We understand that finding the right advisor for you isn’t easy. Why delay?  Start building a strong foundation for you and your family today.

— Paul and Summer Roberts
Roberts Wealth Management

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