Vic Pierson, chairman of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership for 2015.
Vic Pierson, president of Moody National Bank, will serve as chairman of the Bay Area Houston Economic Partnership for 2015.
Joining him in heading BAHEP for the coming year are:
- Vice Chairman John Elbon, vice president and general manager of space exploration for Boeing;
- Secretary Rich Jackson, who is director of NASA Programs for Lockheed Martin;
- Treasurer Jennifer Bowers, Bowers & Sandler partner
Pierson, a former mayor of Jamaica Beach, is a past chairman of the Texas Bankers Association and a director of the Independent Bankers Association of Texas, Moody National Bank and the Gal-Tex Hostel Corporation.

Vice Chairman John Elbon, vice president and general manager of space exploration for Boeing.
He is a past chairman of the United Way of Galveston and the Galveston Chamber of Commerce and is vice chairman of the Galveston Central Appraisal District. He is also a member of the Texas A&M University at Galveston Board of Visitors and previously taught accounting at Galveston College for 16 years.
Chair: Victor Pierson, President, Moody National Bank
Vice Chair: John Elbon, Vice President/General Manager, Space Exploration, The Boeing Company
Secretary: Richard (Rich) Jackson, Director, NASA Programs, Lockheed Martin IS&GS Civil
Treasurer: Jennifer Bowers, Partner, Bowers & Sadler, LLP

Secretary Rich Jackson, who is director of NASA Programs for Lockheed Martin.
Richard E. Allen Jr., President/CEO, Space Center Houston
Gale E. Burkett, President/CEO, GB Tech, Inc.
John Elbon, Vice President/General Manager, Space Exploration, The Boeing Company
Dick H. Gregg Jr., Attorney-at-Law/President, Gregg & Gregg, P.C.
Fred B. Griffin, Owner and Chairman, Griffin Partners, Inc.
Richard (Rich) Jackson, Director, NASA Programs, Lockheed Martin IS&GS Civil
Stephen K. Jones Jr., CEO, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
Ron W. Masters, President, MaximGroup
Dennis W. Petersen, President, Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc.
Victor Pierson, President, Moody National Bank
Jayant Ramakrishnan, Ph.D., COO, Bastion Technologies, Inc.
William A. Staples, Ph.D., President, University of Houston-Clear Lake
John Wilkins, CEO, CLC Properties
Frans Gillebaard (1939 – 2013)
Jennifer Bowers, Partner, Bowers & Sadler, LLP
Scott Hartwig, President/CEO, United Space Alliance

Treasurer Jennifer Bowers, Bowers & Sandler partner.
Brenda Hellyer, Ed.D., Chancellor, San Jacinto College District
Lon F. Miller, Senior Vice President/General Manager, Jacobs
Bernard A. Milstein, M.D., President, The Eye Clinic of Texas
Ellen Ochoa, Ph.D., Director, NASA Johnson Space Center
Richard E. Allen Jr., President/CEO, Space Center Houston
Mike Bloomfield, Vice President & General Manager, Oceaneering Space Systems, Inc.
Genie Bopp, Vice President, Human Performance & Engineering Division, Wyle STE Group
Gale E. Burkett, President/CEO, GB Tech, Inc.
Don Burrows Jr., Senior Vice President, Burrows, Auttonberry & Agol Investment Group
of Southwest Securities, Inc.
Brent Cockerham, Market President, Branch Banking & Trust Company (BB&T)
Michael L. Cornett, President, Texas Citizens Bank, NA
Darren Crowell, President, Cimarron
Brian Duffy, Vice President and JSC Program Manager for Exploration Systems, ATK Launch Systems—Houston
John Elbon, Vice President/General Manager, Space Exploration, The Boeing Company
Michael Flanagan, Director, External Affairs, AT&T
Marcy Fryday, Marketing Director, Lakewood Yacht Club
Mike Furin, Vice President, My FlooringAmerica
Lloyd Graham, Superintendent of Schools, La Porte Independent School District
Dick H. Gregg Jr., Attorney-at-Law/President, Gregg & Gregg, P.C.
Fred B. Griffin, Owner & Chairman, Griffin Partners, Inc.
Gwen D. Griffin, President/CEO, Griffin Communications Group
Richard (Rich) Jackson, Director, NASA Programs, Lockheed Martin IS&GS Civil
Bobbie Jessie, President/CEO, JES Tech
Stephen K. Jones Jr., CEO, Clear Lake Regional Medical Center
Don Kelly, Ph.D., President, Encore Business Consulting
John Kennedy, Commissioner, Port of Houston Authority
Tim Kropp, Executive Vice President, MRI Technologies
Katrina Lambrecht, Vice President and Chief of Staff, UTMB Health
Beth Lewis, Ed.D., President, College of the Mainland
John Martinec, President, AeroSys, LLC
Ron W. Masters, President, MaximGroup
Robert McAfoos, Director/Program Manager, Barrios Technology
Joan McKinney, General Manager, Norman Frede Chevrolet
Lon F. Miller, Senior Vice President/General Manager, Jacobs
Bernard A. Milstein, M.D., President, The Eye Clinic of Texas
Sergio (Checo) Muniz, President, CYFOR Technologies, LLC
Stephanie Murphy, Deputy CEO, MEI Technologies, Inc.
Dennis W. Petersen, President, Lockwood, Andrews, & Newnam, Inc.
Victor Pierson, President, Moody National Bank
Jayant Ramakrishnan, Ph.D., COO, Bastion Technologies, Inc.
John Russo, Director, Program Operations and Integration, UTC Aerospace Systems
Steven Skarke, Vice President, Kaneka North America, LLC
Darryl E. Smith, ERC Program Manager, ERC, Inc.
Greg Smith, Ph.D., Superintendent, Clear Creek Independent School District
RADM Robert Smith, III, USN (Ret.), CEO, Texas A&M University at Galveston
William A. Staples, Ph.D., President, University of Houston-Clear Lake
Charlie Stegemoeller, Vice President, Program Management, SAIC
Hajime “Sam” Suzuki, Vice President, Administration, Kuraray America, Inc.
Jim Sweeney, Owner, Minuteman Press—Bay Area
Gwen Wagner, CEcD, CCD, Manager, National Sales ED, CenterPoint Energy
John Wilkins, CEO, CLC Properties
Chad Burke, President/CEO, Economic Alliance Houston Port Region
Mary Alys Cherry, Editor and Publisher, Bay Area Houston Magazine
Ruby Cubley, Individual Member
Cindy Harreld, President/CEO, Clear Lake Area Chamber of Commerce
Bix Rathburn, President, Galveston County Economic Alliance
Mike Shields, Executive Director, Baytown/West Chambers County
Economic Development Foundation
Jeff Sjostrom, President, Galveston Economic Development Partnership
Michael Sullivan, Harris County Tax Assessor-Collector