Remembering Simone M. Clapp

February 1st, 2019

By Rick Clapp

My dear mother Simone Clapp passed away this holiday season. She lived a good, long life of 89 years. Her early teen years were not so easy as she and her family survived World War II in Europe.

My mother, my grandmother and aunt were great story tellers. They told many tales of sadness, happiness and joy just to have something to eat and a meal to share was so appreciated. Even during the most difficult times and horrendous conditions of war they found joy because of their faith in God. No doubt that carried them and continued to comfort my mother up until her recent death.

Simone Clapp was a part of the “Greatest Generation” that lived and survived through World War II. The experience made my mother and others strong, stubborn, emotional, caring and loving, but most of all giving.

She would say many times that her mother learned the real gift of giving. She passed it on to all her children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.

Was Simone perfect? Close. She was good – real good and taught all of us the importance of being full of grace and helping your fellow man. We were taught to treat our neighbors and friends as family.

She shared her secrets on how to survive. The importance of never giving up and always being thankful and grateful for the large and small things in life. The best gift she gave us was the gift of giving and doing that unconditionally.

Simone taught us to pack our own parachute, not to rely on others. My mother was married to our loving father, Rodger Clapp, for over 35 years, she is survived by my brother Arthur, my sister Diane, and myself. Two grandchildren, Alisa and Mollie and four great grandchildren Niko, Neely, Alexa and her sister Marlene Leddick.

Mom, you were the perfect mother for all of us. We thank you and praise you for all you did on this earth. Rest in peace Simone. Shalom.

Bay Area Houston Magazine