Ringman’s Shelia won first in class and returned home with her bull calf to Brazos Rose Ranch. From left to right: Brandon Couvillon, breeder Ronnie Mullinax, Emma Lucas and Libby Butterfield.
Local Students and Community Benefit from Longstanding Youth Program
The Longhorn Project Board of Directors hosted its annual End of Year Celebration on Saturday, June 8, 2019, at the Western Heritage Pavilion, located at NASA Johnson Space Center to commemorate the 2018-2019 show season and school year.
Attended by almost 100 supporters, the celebratory luncheon treated guests to personalized presentations by show team members, Libby Butterfield, Emma Lucas, Brandon Couvillon and Quinten Cherry, Board Chairman Andrea Wilson and Board Vice Chairman Greg Schroder, honoring the LHP sponsors, breeders, teachers and volunteers who contributed to the program’s 23 years of success.
Project Manager Henry Wilson was recognized for his exceptional commitment to producing a winning show team of herd of longhorns, Rudy’s Country Store & Barb-B-Que Webster was recognized providing the delicious meal and its generous support over the past year, and President and Chairman of Bay Group Media Rick Clapp was recognized for donating his public relations services to help promote the mission of the program.
Rick Fritsche, manager and registrar of the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA), impressed the crowd with presenting the statistics that over 7,000 longhorns from 11 countries are registered with the TLBAA and the longest horns on a Texas Registered Longhorn Steer were recently measured at 129.4”.
Board members George W. S. Abbey, Greg Schroder, Dr. Glenn Freedman, Galveston County Commissioner Ken Clark, Rolando Villarreal and Justin Gamble presented the appreciation awards to the show teams. Chloe Reid, a 2019 Clear Horizon Early College High School graduate, was honored for her three years of dedication and leadership in coordinating service projects for high school students who volunteered in the Garden, Agriculture, Sustainability and Arts (GASA) program along with Susan Parker, LHP’s Lead Science Teacher and Field Trip Coordinator.
“The Longhorn Project is best known for its Show Team and participation on the Texas Longhorn Breeders Association of America (TLBAA) show circuit in Texas and Louisiana,” said Board Chairman, Andrea Wilson. “And in addition to the Show Team, the Longhorn Project offers a 3.5-hour agriculture and STEM-based educational curriculum for 3rd – 12th grade students, that was championed by former Clear Creek ISD superintendent Dr. Sandra Mossman, that focuses on the interaction of agriculture, livestock and space exploration,” she added.
In the 2018-19 academic year, over 5,000 students from the Clear Creek, Galveston, Dickinson, Santa Fe, Pearland and Houston school districts and several private schools attend the educational program.
Founded in 1996 by George W. S. Abbey, former director of the Johnson Space Center, The Longhorn Project at Johnson Space Center is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. To donate, visit the website, www.thelonghornproject.com.