By Kelly Groce
Whether your job allows you to work from home or you enjoy creating YouTube videos, updating your food blog or looking up new recipes to try, having a functional and inspiring work space at home is key to letting your creative juices flow.

A gallery wall allows you to tell your story with a collection of pieces. This can include photos you’ve taken while traveling, photos of family/friends, framed certificates or degrees, etc. Include inspirational pieces as well so that you are motivated while you’re at your desk. This can include a quote, a magazine cover you love or a photo of someone you aspire to be like. Have fun with this!

There is no doubt that an organized work space will boost your productivity. Having less clutter around you and knowing where everything belongs will decrease stress while getting tons more work done. Purchase organizational items that match the theme of your office and are visually pleasing to your esthetic. Dry erase and cork boards come in trendy shapes and sizes now and are the best way to stay on top of your work load.

Lighting may be overlooked while creating your dream work space or home office, but it is very important. Harsh, overhead light can create a mean glare on your computer screen thus resulting in a headache from eye strain. Natural light is ideal for any room and will definitely increase productivity, but can also create intense glares on screens depending on the time of the day. Use desk lamps that come with a dimmer to adjust throughout the day. A tall floor lamp is a good choice and produces the right amount of ambience and will ramp up productivity.