Lucky Kittens Looking for Homes

awwkittahBay Area Houston Magazine’s Brandon Rowan and Victoria Ugalde had quite the surprise when visiting the company’s storage in Kemah. Upon opening the unit they found four black newborn kittens abandoned in a box under a shelf! Unsure on what to do, they took them to Clear Creek Animal Hospital on NASA Parkway. Fortunately, they had a client, Marisa Instone, owner of a mama cat, Pixie, who had just finished nursing her litter. Pixie took to the kittens right away and tried to nurse them but her milk already dried up. The Staff at Clear Creek Animal Hospital came into contact with Donetta Hernandez, a local animal emergency worker, who offered to hand raise them! If you are interested in adopting one of these lucky kittens please email [email protected] or call 281.474.5875.

Also please know that even though Clear Creek Animal Hospital was gracious enough to provide help they do not accept kitten litters as they do not have the means to care for them. A huge thank you to all those involved with helping these kittens!

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