DAR Regemt Susan Adams, from left, congratulates Vanessa Eaton of Clear Creek High and Monique Villanueva of Clear Horizons High as they were recognized with Good Citizen Awards at the DAR meeting. Looking on at right is Kati Hill, awards chairman.
The 2017 DAR Good Citizen Award scholarship winner for Clear Creek ISD and area high schools is Vanessa Eaton from Clear Creek High. The award celebrates outstanding students from area high schools with their documented work and their essays that focus on being an outstanding American citizen.
Other students presented the Good Citizen Award included Monique Villanueva from Clear Horizons Early College High School, Roberto Struthers from Clear Lake High, Madison Forrest from Clear Falls High and Hailey Haynes from Bay Area Christian High School.
The Sam Houston Chapter of National Society of Daughters of American Revolution recognized the award-winning students at its Feb. 4 meeting. Scholarship winner Vanessa Eaton, a Clear Creek High senior, plans to major in biology at the University of Chicago this fall.
Information about DAR chapters in Texas is available at the website www.texasdar.org